The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
24.9  The beginnings of the creation of a world police force and a judicial system for states
While the individual nations or states have developed sufficiently to have a police force and a judicial system for the protection of individual citizens against the unfinished nature of other citizens, they have not yet developed sufficiently to have a really effective police force or judicial system for the protection of individual states against the unfinished nature and attitude of other states. The mutual relationship of the states is therefore fundamentally based on anarchy, that is on power without any question whatsoever about what is right. It has therefore become a vital necessity for each of the states to maintain overriding armed forces and a preparedness for war with a totally destructive capacity for death and mutilation. But this does not, of course, prevent the small states to a great extent being subject to the larger states. It is true that after the two great world wars that we have experienced in this century, tendencies towards the creation of such a world police force and judicial system arose. But the creation of these is to a great extent handicapped by a lack of real power and strength to keep the states in check, as long as these states have the right to have the military power they want, a military power far greater in capacity than that of the world police or the world judicial system. And as long as the incipient judicial system for nations or states, for example The United Nations Organisation (usually called the UN), has access only to power that is quite infinitesimal in relation to that of the superpowers, the superpowers will to a certain extent control not only the UN but also, so to speak, all the small states. And since the finished aspect does not dominate these holders of power, it is clear that the unrest in the world cannot be removed as long as this situation exists. Wars and rumours of wars will to an increasing extent flourish until the unfinished side of people is overcome and people's conduct or way of being is no longer animal but human. We will now, by means of the following symbols, show how the units or states consisting of people will, like the people of whom they consist, become God's image after his likeness, thereby creating a divine finished human kingdom on the earth in which there is only one flock and one shepherd, a kingdom in which absolute justice lives.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 24
The Unfinished Human Kingdom