The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
23.9  In the middle of the large triangle, which symbolises the Godhead, and from which the halo of rays emanates, we see a Christ-like being. This being is the finished human being in God's image after his likeness. It is such a being that is one with God and is therefore "the way, the truth and the life". Such a being constitutes the very highest level of world redeemer or God's primary instrument or organ for the creation of world cultures and the formation of morality for the populations of planets and the furtherance of God's transformation of these populations into human beings in God's image after his likeness. Such a finished being is, of course, neither a specifically "male being" nor a specifically "female being". It is therefore not a copulatory being; nor is it subject to the urge to fall in love. It has long since passed through the zone of marriage. Its attraction or feeling of being drawn to other beings is absolutely only love in its purest form with its particular form of release. But this release is not some private act of intercourse, as is the case with the unfinished, one-poled human being. It is an open, mutual, culminating release of love between the partners. It takes place openly, visible to the surroundings as life's highest, most perfect and most beautiful manifestation in which the presence of God is felt by everyone. It constitutes the very highest fire in its purest form. It is not promoted by any artificially released process of attraction or falling in love. Here there are no marital ties or duties. It does not constitute some process of fertilising an organism. It does not lead to pregnancy or the birth of children. It cannot lead to jealousy either, or envy, as here everyone loves everyone else and their highest drive is to give rather than to take. This is the foundation of the consciousness and conduct of the finished human being and therefore belongs to the real human kingdom.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 23
The Finished Human Being in God's Image after His Likeness