The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
21.9  As we see in the symbol every living being finds itself in the middle of the Godhead. The Godhead's organs for expressing or manifesting himself to living beings consist of all the other living beings with which this being may come into contact. So through these beings the Godhead talks to his son. And the son answers with his conduct towards these beings in his surroundings. The living being or the son of God thus lives all the time in an interaction with God. It lives in an eternal, divine correspondence. What we do to our neighbour we do to God. And what our neighbour does to us is God's answer to us regarding our conduct towards our neighbour, that is our way of relating to God. But the living beings are not conscious of this divine correspondence as long as they are at the embryo stages of the spiral cycle, which, to be more explicit, means as long as they are still beings of the plant and animal kingdoms, for whom the principle of killing and thereby war is a vital necessity. The son of God is here just as ignorant about its daily correspondence with its divine father as the little newborn baby is about its parents and the physical world into which it is now born. But just as the little child grows up to love and know its mother and father, so too does the son of God grow up to experience and love his divine father, and become day-conscious of his all-outshining loving embrace.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 21
The Eternal, Cosmic and Organic Connection between God and the Son of God – 1