The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
22.8  While in symbol no. 21 we see the I of the living being (the round, white figure in the middle) and the I of the Godhead (the outermost white ring-shaped area), and in symbol no. 22 we see the I of the living being symbolised by the white triangle in the middle and the I of the Godhead as the large triangle at the top, here we see that the two I's in symbol no. 22A are nothing other than a mystery, which is symbolised by the question mark. Likewise the spiritual worlds that are shown in symbols nos. 21 and 22 in the form of the coloured rays above the two transverse lines are not shown in symbol no. 22A. And here too we lack the symbolic expression of the eternal superconsciousness of the living being and its connection with the Godhead through the inbuilt structure of prayer that is symbolised in symbol no. 22. Symbol no. 22A lacks all the realities that bring about the eternal existence of the living being and the fact that it can appear as a "living being" at all. Symbol no. 22A thus expresses an unfinished world picture. It shows merely creation and created things, but no creator. It shows the physical organisms of the living beings, but not the real originator of these organisms. It shows a logical creation, which is the same as an expression of intelligence, but no originator of this intelligence, despite the fact that this intelligence cannot but exist as a characteristic of a living being just as all the other spiritual faculties cannot exist either without being the abilities and talents of something living, something that can experience and create through these and thereby intimate its existence, will, wishes and desires to other living beings. Since the materialistic world picture cannot in any way express this living aspect, it can be nothing more than an expression of an unfinished world view or an unfinished world picture. Since the originators of materialistic science are unfinished human beings like the other human beings on Earth, it is thus a matter of course that no one can blame them for not being able to provide people with the cosmic world picture. The materialistic world picture is the height of what can be sensed and researched into with the physical senses and can express only this side of the eternal universe. It constitutes an overview of everything that is a result of the spiritual or cosmic universe. Without this cosmic or spiritual part of the universe the physical universe would be an impossibility. Believing that the cosmic universe does not exist is the same as believing that the entire universe is an accumulation of the chance play of blind and dead forces and substances, and that everything that exists in the form of living beings' organisms and other logically created things have come into existence exclusively by chance. This belief can give rise only to a culture of death instead of a culture of life. And it is within the culture of death created by this materialistic world picture that the people of the earth are situated at the moment. The basis of life in this culture of death is the killing principle, which in turn means war, weapons of war, murderous machines, atomic bombs and other mutilating and deadly instruments of terror.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 22
The Eternal, Cosmic and Organic Connection between God and the Son of God – 2
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 22A
The Materialistic or Unfinished World Picture