The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
20.8  The real, cosmic principle of the forgiveness of sins
But this help and support from world redemption would have been totally impossible if there were not another principle that freed people from a very great deal of their dark karma or fate. When a human being has committed a "sin", that is a manifestation of error, for example, a murder, whether of an animal or a human being, then the effects of this murder will form part of the murderer's future fate. And this being is thereby predestined to be murdered himself when the arc of fate from this murder returns to the murderer. But if the murderer, before the return of this arc of fate, has changed himself totally in this murderous area and absolutely no longer has any will or ability to murder any being, then he will, because of this changed disposition, be immune to the arc of fate or the effects of this murder. These will, unnoticed by the being, be neutralised or dissolved in its changed aura or radiance. And, quite without noticing it, the being becomes free of this karma, that is the effects of the murder that it otherwise would have been a victim of, if its consciousness had not been changed before the return of the arc of fate in question. Here, in a quite logical and natural way, a real cosmic principle of the forgiveness of sins actually occurs in the form of a liberation from the effects of manifestations of error.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 20
The Forgiveness of Sins