The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
17.8  Why people are more or less ignorant about rebirth or reincarnation
It is true that with its physical senses the unfinished human being cannot sense beyond the cycle of its own terrestrial life. It is therefore a victim of the thousands-of-years-old erroneous belief that its present terrestrial life or life cycle is the only terrestrial life it experiences. It has no knowledge of its previous physical terrestrial lives. It cannot therefore understand that in the future it will be born again and live in a new physical organism. And it is this previously mentioned erroneous belief, ignorance and lack of ability to understand the cosmic or eternal facts that result in it not having any explanation for darkness or "evil" and being therefore prevented from seeing that the keynote of the universe is love, and that suffering and misfortune are neither "anger" nor "punishment" from God but, on the contrary, an absolutely vital necessity for ultimately being able to become "human beings in God's image after his likeness". It is true that this mental darkness or suffering is unpleasant and painful but, since it serves an absolutely indispensable purpose, without which the human being could not possibly become "God's image after his likeness", one must of necessity term darkness or suffering "the unpleasant good", and the good or the light "the pleasant good".
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 17
Reincarnation, Cycles and Seasons