The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
24.7  Civilised people in our day do not think that they can do without weapons and preparedness for war
More or less all terrestrial human beings contain an inherited animal consciousness. This in turn means that, in their character and way of being, they still lack a greater or lesser aspect of real neighbourly love. So they still cannot live together in really effective and lasting peace. But the beings themselves cannot help this. Their way of being cannot be a manifestation of a stage in evolution that they have not reached. This animal aspect of mankind results in people persecuting one another, robbing and plundering both openly and covertly. This latter form is particularly prevalent among civilised people, while open robbery and plundering is more prevalent among primitive people. Civilised people are still not sufficiently free of the killing principle to be able to do without weapons and military machinery, the readiness to defend and attack.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 24
The Unfinished Human Kingdom