The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
23.7  The large orange-coloured arc on the left of the symbol is one of the being's dark arcs of fate, which is returning to it. The purpose of this dark arc of fate is, as we already know, to inflict on the being the effects of a dark action that it at some previous point in time inflicted on its neighbour. In the symbol we see this arc of fate returning to the being; here it will inflict on it the effects of the dark action that, as mentioned, it previously inflicted on its neighbour. But we see here in the symbol that the being receives this dark arc of fate with great friendliness. It understands that it is its own fate, which it once released towards its neighbour, that is now to be inflicted on it by hostile beings. But its understanding, loving and forgiving nature dissolves all animosity and everything that the dark arc of fate was to have caused. Between the being or beings returning this arc of fate and the recipient great friendship arises. With this forgiving and loving nature it not only freed itself from the dark fate or release of karma but also, with its loving nature sent out a new arc of fate, but since it is a manifestation of love towards its neighbour, it becomes on its return to its originator a manifestation of love towards this originator. And it thus creates here a light and happy experience or karma. This, the being's manifestation of a light and perfect way of receiving the return of its dark fate, is symbolised in the symbol by the yellow arc of fate on the right and likewise by the heart figure and the joined hands.
      This totally perfect way of receiving one's dark fate or karma symbolised here has the unshakable effect that it leads the human being out of the animal kingdom and into the real human kingdom, which is also the kingdom that was termed "the kingdom of God" or "the kingdom of heaven". We see in the symbol that there is an arc of fate going from one terrestrial life to another. We see that the first arcs on the left are totally orange-coloured. This means that they are full of the energy of gravity, that is the dark and killing energies of thought and of manifestation. However, if we look at them from left to right, we will see that they become increasingly yellow, finally becoming totally yellow. The yellow colour symbolises here the feeling that has become total neighbourly love. With its change of fate the being raises its physical terrestrial lives up from belonging to primitive animal and killing spheres or zones to belonging to light and happy kingdoms and spheres of love. This is symbolised in the symbol by the terrestrial lives gradually changing from orange to yellow. The entirely yellow terrestrial lives thus mean the finished human being's physical lives in the real human kingdom. Here in this kingdom, which is the domain of love, there are no beings that create darkness or suffering. For this reason absolutely no dark arcs of fate exist here. All arcs of fate here vibrate in shining light. Everyone loves everyone else and so lives in love's culminating flood of light, which is God's primary consciousness and eternal flood of rays.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 23
The Finished Human Being in God's Image after His Likeness