The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
21.7  But the living being does not exist in nothing. If that were the case no living being would ever have existed. The living being exists in the universe, which is symbolised in the symbol by the entire multicoloured figure around the living being. But the universe is a living being too. The I or X1 of this living being consists of all the X1's or I's of all existing living beings. This I of the universe, consisting of the I's of all existing living beings, is symbolised by the white ring-shaped figure at the edge of the symbol. In the same way the X2 of this being consists of the X2's of all existing living beings. This X2 is symbolised by the violet area within the white ring-shaped area and constitutes therefore the mother energy of this gigantic being. To this belongs also the eternal part of the basic energy bodies of all existing living beings, which, together with the mother energy mentioned above, constitutes the creative ability of this mighty being. The coloured areas between the violet area and the black indented area symbolise the basic energy bodies of all existing living beings. Every one of the coloured areas of these basic energies is divided into rays. Each ray symbolises a basic energy organ or body in the living being. The part of each of these bodies that fills the spaces between the jagged points in the violet area in the symbol constitutes the eternal part while the remaining part that points inwards towards the middle of the symbol constitutes the created part or the X3 of the being. The X3's of all existing living beings together constitute the X3 of this gigantic being.
      Since this being differs from all other living beings in that it constitutes everything that exists, there cannot be any being above, below or beside this being. So we have here before us the all-outshining eternal true Godhead. The symbol thus represents this eternal Godhead. In interaction with this Godhead every single being in existence exists inevitably and eternally, regardless of whether it be a microcosmic, macrocosmic or mesocosmic being. All these living beings are the organs or bodies of God through which he can manifest his omnipotence, his infinite wisdom and his universal love for every single living being. The daily way of being and experience of life of a living being is thus in the absolute sense an interaction between itself and the Godhead. How could this interaction take place if the living beings were not God's organs and did not exist? How could the Godhead reveal to the individual living being the highest shining light or the most profound darkness if the other beings were not organs for his manifestation and consciousness? How could he create the experience of life for the individual living being? How could he lead it from primitivity to intellectuality? How could he lead it from the regions of hate and war to the radiant spheres of peace and love without the aid of the other existing living beings? How could the Godhead give the individual living being the experiences, the fate, the intellect and wisdom, the faculty of love, the faculty of intuition, the experience of being one with God, with which he transforms every single existing being into "the human being in his image after his likeness", if other living beings did not exist as his organs or instruments for this purpose? How could these other beings carry out such a perfect, one hundred per cent logical creation if they were not each a link in a coherent unit, an organ in an all-embracing living organism, controlled and guided by consciousness, mentality and spirit? And how could such a living, working organism exist without an I? But how could a unit consisting of these realities: an organism, a consciousness and an I, exist without being a living being? Here again we are witness to the fact that the universe is a living being. Since everything that exists at all belongs to the organism, consciousness and I of this being, it here becomes apparent that it is absolutely the only being of its kind. Since as a living being it constitutes the entire universe, only the designation "the only absolute existing true Godhead" can be one hundred per cent, totally correct.
      Every living being is within this Godhead. It is in the absolute sense the only being with whom it in reality shares its daily life, since all its fellow beings, regardless of which being or beings it may be confronted with, regardless of whether it be its parents, its spouse, its children, its neighbour, its friend or enemy, regardless of whether it be plants or animals, regardless of whether it be microcosmic, mesocosmic or macrocosmic beings that stimulate its senses, then it is confronted with God's organs or instruments for manifestation and experience. Its entire daily way of being, its manifestation and experience is thus a direct interaction between itself and the Godhead. Since the Godhead is thus its originator, and since it rests in the Godhead and interacts with the Godhead in manifestation, thought and consciousness, the fact that it calls this being the "son of God" is also totally perfect.
      The living being's high divine kinship with God, this cosmic principle of father and son, was a day-conscious fact for Christ and will become so for every terrestrial human being as it attains cosmic consciousness and becomes the finished human being in God's image after his likeness. This Christ consciousness is the goal for the world redemption of the twentieth century. The attainment of this consciousness is the salvation of the world from Armageddon or hell, from war and suffering, from the horror of darkness and death. The Earth will not go on being a chaos and jungle of chance for the being to live in. It will experience the universe as God's organism or body for manifestation and experience, through which this Godhead makes everything shine for the living being, which thereby experiences this universe as its absolute, eternal Father and itself as the eternal son of this divine Father. And is it not precisely this that Christ refers to when he says, "Verily, verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein." To approach God as a little child is of course the same as understanding that this Godhead is one's originator, just as a child understands that its parents are its physical originators, and similarly to love God as the child loves its mother and father. Only through this love can the being reach the great birth or initiation, which gives the being total cosmic consciousness, which in turn is the same as total illumination by the holy spirit, which in turn is the same as God's consciousness. It is this total illumination by the consciousness or spirit of God that turns the being into the human being in God's image after his likeness.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 21
The Eternal, Cosmic and Organic Connection between God and the Son of God – 1