The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
20.7  The effects of the manifestations of error change the beings' way of being from darkness to light
All manifestations of error create darkness, as previously mentioned, while the right way of manifesting creates light. That the being cannot avoid discovering this, gradually through its many lives, is quite natural. That this discovery or realisation cannot avoid changing the being's way of being in favour of the avoidance of manifestations of error, thereby favouring a way of being in the service of light, is just as natural. The primitive life based on manifestations of error or ignorance was actually for a time the ideal existence for the being. But the many sufferings, the raw, animal existence with murder, killing, fighting and mutilation, must ultimately and inevitably make it loathe this form of life. It developed in the human being a faculty of humaneness, that is to say the beginnings of neighbourly love. It made people increasingly unable to find it in their hearts to kill or harm any being. And the messengers of the world redemption from the humane spheres came to people and gave them humane precepts and moral laws, and inspired people, through speech and writing, to live according to them. And people got to the point of being able to receive, in the form of the Christianity revealed by Christ, the Christ mentality or the finished human being's mode of existence as a model for morality and conduct.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 20
The Forgiveness of Sins