The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
25.6  Karmic retribution for people's killing relationship to the animals
The cosmically conscious side of people, as yet dead or sleeping, has to be woken to life. This cannot come about merely by preaching vegetarian nutrition to those people who have a well-developed capacity to kill the animals. On the contrary it happens automatically through the arcs of fate of the law of karma, which allow the beings to experience the effects of the killings and sufferings that they have inflicted on the animals. The arcs of fate of the law of karma are just as valid for peoples' behaviour towards animals as they are for peoples' behaviour towards people. There is no difference here. The fifth commandment or the cosmic law says "Thou shall not kill" (Exodus 20:13). As the law of karma results in the effects of the evil or the good one does towards one's neighbour returning and creating corresponding karma for oneself, it means in reality that what one does towards one's neighbour one does towards oneself. If this were not so, no being whatsoever could ever become a human being in God's image after his likeness. It can therefore clearly be seen here that a meat-eating mankind, solely because of its killing relationship to the animals, will inevitably meet a Doomsday or an Armageddon in which the retributory effects of its relationship to the animals will be felt by this mankind.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 25
The Karma of Mankind