The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
20.6  If people could get true forgiveness of sins through the sacrament of Holy Communion
People gradually lose the ability to believe and stop believing in the sacrament of Holy Communion. With this, the symbolic forgiveness of sins loses its meaning for these people. Many people have now come so far in evolution that they can be made to understand the real truth behind light and darkness or good and evil respectively. The real truth behind the being's way of being is, as we already know, that this way of being can exist only as an expression of cause and effect. No being whatsoever can manifest even the tiniest little manifestation or creation without this becoming the cause of effects that, in the form of arcs of fate, will return to the being's life and there be released as light or darkness, depending on whether they were released by their originator as light or darkness. So what the being does towards its neighbour, it does towards itself. In order to be in contact with life, which is borne by the eternal laws of the universe, one must comply with these laws. Where one does not comply with them and acts wrongly, unpleasantnesses or "evil", or that which people perceive as God's "punishment" for "sins," arises. The manifestation of the living being is thus unshakably connected to the above-mentioned laws. The being cannot possibly manifest itself without this manifestation being either an observance or an infringement of these laws. And it is in this way that the being, through its lives, comes to discover what is evil and what is good, what is observance and what is infringement of the laws of life. It is through this that God teaches the human being to make its life perfect, and leads it forward to the ultimate result – the human being in God's image after his likeness. We understand here what would happen if one could really obtain unlimited forgiveness of sins through the sacrament of Holy Communion, that is, become entirely free of the effects of one's wrong actions. All evolution would stop, and the being would never be able to become the real human being in God's image after his likeness. Indeed, no life whatsoever would exist at all. The universe would be a "nothing" instead of, as it is now, a "something". But now we will go on to demonstrate the real cosmic principle of the forgiveness of sins.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 20
The Forgiveness of Sins