The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
26.5  The karmic structure's distribution of light and dark karmic experience
The fact that great intervals of time can pass, indeed several physical terrestrial lives, without the being happening to be struck by dark karma, is due exclusively to the divine structure to which karma is subject, which, as we have previously touched upon, causes the accumulation of karma for release together with similar karma belonging to other people. This collective release of accumulated dark karma occurs in the form of wars, world wars, natural catastrophes, illnesses and accidents.
      Since the karma is generally speaking concentrated, sometimes for several lives, until it is released in a single life or other short period of time, there is also space for the being to experience relatively light or happy lives in between, depending on the good that the being has manifested towards neighbours.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 26
The Perfect Human Kingdom of the Future