The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
20.5  No form of "sin" whatsoever exists
One must remember that in the absolute sense no form of sin whatsoever exists, since absolutely no one can commit an injustice, and absolutely no one can suffer an injustice. What people call "sin" is, in the absolute sense, not a "sin" at all. It is, however, a manifestation of error. This manifestation of error can occur absolutely only because of the being's ignorance. Normally no manifestation of error in relation to the laws of life can occur unless by reason of the being's unfinished mentality or way of being. Where the being's development is not complete and where it has no knowledge, it is bound to make mistakes. But can it be just to punish a human being for conduct it has manifested in total blindness? Since God has created the human being, its behaviour and way of being must be dependent on this creation. It cannot, of course, manifest faultlessly a way of being that it is, as yet, too unfinished to manifest. That it here must make mistakes is a matter of course. But does one believe that God punishes a human being for acting imperfectly in the areas in which God has not yet finished creating it? As the human being's way of being is a product of God's creation, only God can be responsible for the being's manifestation. Only the creator can be responsible for the created. That the unfinished human being cannot create a totally perfect way of being is a matter of course. All imperfect ways of being can be only a product of ignorance and are therefore the same as manifestations of error. As all acts that come under the category "sin" are, in their innermost cosmic analysis, exclusively the same as manifestations of error, no form of sin whatsoever exists in a cosmic sense. For this reason Christ could say to the human being, absolutely without lying, that its sins were forgiven.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 20
The Forgiveness of Sins