The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
19.5  It is not so strange that Christ announced the coming of new knowledge
Time does not stand still. And people develop further in spirit and truth. How could they otherwise become God's image after his likeness? People gradually leave the stage of instinct more and more, and go over to the stage of thinking, which in turn means that they leave the stage of belief and go into the stage of intelligence or science. And the religious, insufficiently explained world picture mentioned above absolutely cannot hold its own at this stage. A Godhead such as indicated by this stage of belief cannot be accepted or worshipped by any advanced, logically thinking, civilised human being. This being experiences as unshakable living facts people who are far more highly developed than the Godhead, who is so evil that he can lead people into eternal torment although they have lived for merely a fraction of a second in proportion to the eternity of their punishment. What human being can want such great punishment or revenge for someone whose offence in relation to this is almost nothing? Eternity is time without end. Untold billions of millenniums of punishment, a punishment without end, for an offence in a single terrestrial life that seldom spans more than a hundred years. How can it be logical, true Christianity that this Godhead, who himself, as regards this meting out of punishment seems to be devoid of love, would demand neighbourly love, demand that one should forgive not merely once a day but seventy times seven times a day? How can it be just to give an eternal punishment for a temporal offence? This Godhead has said, "Let us make a human being in our image after our likeness". Would it not be good or beneficial to get to know the real, true nature of this Godhead, which, as we will see in coming analyses is in the absolute sense love, and which Christianity, quite apart from the mistaken idea mentioned above, does, however, also acknowledge. But there is no sense in this acknowledgement as long as one believes that this Godhead sends the great majority of people down to an eternal hell where they will groan in a torment that will never in all eternity cease. It cannot be any great ideal to be created in the image of such a Godhead after his likeness. It is not so strange that Christ announced that real, true knowledge, indeed the knowledge of God himself, that is the absolute holy spirit, would come to people, and that they would be unable to go on living on instinct and illogical emotional ideas. They would be unable to go on believing that so-called "evil" was a manifestation of an angry Godhead's revenge and hatred towards those people who were, it seems, seduced by the devil, whose power was of course far greater than their own, power against which they had therefore to be more or less helpless. To punish people because they have been seduced by a power that was immensely greater than their own suggests neither infinite wisdom nor universal love. It can indicate only abnormality and misuse of power.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 19
Through the Darkness of Initiation (Hell or Armageddon)