The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
23.4  The Christ-mission of the finished human being
The finished human being in God's image is thus a being that has passed through the spiral cycle's entire zone of darkness, overcome it completely and is now totally a being of light. Its greatest emanation is pure neighbourly love, entirely regardless of whether this neighbour is a plant, animal or human being, entirely regardless of whether it is friend or enemy. It is thus in contact with the keynote of the universe, which, as we have long since seen, is love. It is also this warming, radiant characteristic that makes the human being one with God. It is now a totally perfect organ or instrument in God's primary consciousness. Such a being is now to the highest degree specially qualified to be the creator of morality and civilisation for an entire planet or world, where the mankind of this planet has reached that stage in its development in the spiral cycle where it is mature enough for the totally purified eternal truth or the solution of the mystery of life in the form of cosmic analyses that can be perceived by the intelligence and thereby be experienced as cosmic science. It was such a cosmic revelation that came from Christ to mankind and thereby made him a world redeemer. He was, as previously mentioned, a finished human being in God's image. He had long since gone through the great birth and was thus not a real terrestrial human being in spirit. He belonged to a kingdom that was not of this world. But he nonetheless allowed himself, at the command of God, to incarnate on Earth. Here he had to leave his elevated kingdom and through what was for him a primitive terrestrial human birth and bodily state or organism appear as an apparently ordinary terrestrial human being and live through childhood and youth and other ordinary states; indeed, he even became a carpenter's apprentice. His birth as a poor child in a manger was not flattering either. The glory was hidden from ordinary people. A certain advanced stage of evolution is demanded in order to be able to experience and see the totally perfect world redeemer or the Christ being behind the ordinary terrestrial human organism. Through this unfinished organism the finished human being cannot, of course, reveal its entire cosmic glory, knowledge and ability. Here on Earth the finished human being cannot obtain the organism that is appropriate to it. It can incarnate in such an organism only when it is to live in its own kingdom, that is, the kingdom that is not of this world. When this finished human being in God's image, by virtue of its mission as a world redeemer, is to incarnate in the physical plane of a lower world, this can take place only by incarnating in one of this lower world's physical organisms. It has absolutely no possibility in this lower world to incarnate in a finished Christ-organism, since such a one does not exist in this world. For this reason the perfect Christ has to appear as a world redeemer in a physical organism very insufficient for his consciousness. He will therefore always be camouflaged as one of this lower world's own beings. We see Christ's purely physical appearance as an ordinary terrestrial human being. Only very few of his contemporaries could see Christ behind the terrestrial human organism. These few people were his disciples and other closest followers. And yet these people's view of Christ was not completely stable or permanent. It wavered very much. Sometimes they clearly saw Christ behind the terrestrial human organism, and loved and worshipped him. At other times their own selfish or unfinished thought-structure veiled the world redeemer. And they then saw only the camouflage, his ordinary terrestrial human appearance, and at such moments completely forgot who he was. A world redeemer at Christ's level in the spiral cycle is an absolute genius in morality, but this does not mean that he is also a genius in ordinary human beings' terrestrial professions or trades, even if he could, of course, learn these. But the world redeemer has not come in order to be a specialist in material professions, indeed, not even in order to be a specialist in materialistic science, even if he recognises it as reliable information about a certain part of the eternal truth of life and thereby as a certain part of God's holy spirit. But terrestrial human beings can find out about this science by themselves. Here they have thousands of specialists or advocates of the truth at their disposal. It is a science about creation and the created, but it is not a science about the creator himself, which means, the eternal immovable Something that constitutes the life in the living beings and in the Godhead. This knowledge or science of this highest Something can be attained only through the ability to experience that belongs to a step in evolution that terrestrial mankind has not yet reached, or at any rate is only just beginning to pass through. This is why this highest science about the eternal life of the living beings and the Godhead can be revealed only through the preaching of the world redemption by the world redeemer. One should not therefore expect the world redeemer to be a genius in purely materialistic processes of creation. He can, of course, be both ignorant and naive here, but not, however, through lack of ability but solely because these materialistic concerns lie outside the duties and responsibilities of his mission. One thus understands here that, in weak, selfish or irritated moments, those of his followers who are very highly gifted in the materialistic area cannot see the world redeemer. They become blinded by his camouflage and in the worst case see him only as a naive or primitive human being with great moral faults. Is the whole story of Jesus' passion not a confirmation of this? Had his enemies or murderers been able to see that they tortured and crucified the world redeemer, God's emissary for mankind, they would, of course, not have done so. He himself confirmed their ignorance in his prayer: "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do". But the world redeemer Christ came to show mankind that the finished human being in God's image after his likeness does not shrink from taking upon himself the most terrible sufferings or a crucifixion when he can thereby advance or benefit mankind's liberation or salvation from the grips of darkness or suffering. Who has greater love than the human being who takes sufferings upon himself and offers his life to save other people from unhappiness and sufferings? So much of the perfect or finished human being's love and behaviour has been shown to people through Christ! And people will have to develop such love in themselves in order to be completed human beings in God's image after his likeness.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 23
The Finished Human Being in God's Image after His Likeness