The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
21.4  The father-and-son principle between God and the son of God
Without the cosmic organic connecting link of prayer between the living being and the Godhead all life would be totally impossible. Who could otherwise lead beings through their physical embryonic state while reincarnating? And who could lead them through the embryonic states of the spiral cycle, that is the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom, if this cosmic connection between the Godhead and the living being did not exist?
      How could the beings whose organisms are in an embryonic state, whose mentality is in a latent state (which is why in this state they are more or less unconscious and thereby correspondingly helpless) come through their embryonic states if God did not carry them through with the help of other living beings? But how could the Godhead use these other beings as his organs or instruments for helping the embryonic beings if there were no organic connection between the Godhead and these beings, and no organic connection between the Godhead and the embryonic beings? And how could these embryonic states, as well as all other creation and experience in the universe, occur if the living beings were not cooperating organs in the consciousness and body of God? It is this unbreakable cosmic connection and cooperation between the living being and the Godhead that turns the relationship between two beings into a "father-and-son principle".
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 21
The Eternal, Cosmic and Organic Connection between God and the Son of God – 1