The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
19.4  A derailed view of the Godhead and of life
We will here give a little example of how the Christian view of the Godhead does not provide material for intellectual enquiry, since it leads to a very derailed view of God. We learn from Christianity that God is omnipotent, omniscient and all-loving. At the same time we learn that God creates the human being. We are therefore created by God. We began in the womb. We have therefore not existed in any previous life and cannot thus have "sinned" in previous lives either. But nonetheless all the children who are born to this world get very different fates. Some are born to loving, wealthy parents; they get a long education and come to live in a respectable environment. Other children are born to suffering, neglect, need and misery, and come to live in society's humblest or lowest environment. If these children have not lived before in any previous life how can it be just that they get a fate that contrasts appallingly with what the former children get? How can such discrimination reflect a loving God? The answer to this is the familiar saying "The ways of the Lord are beyond understanding." This in turn means that the question is unanswered. We again see here that Christian terminology was not given as very detailed intellectual analyses. It is not its purpose to provide argumentation or confirmation for the intelligence or for intellectual enquiry. It is intended to give the main cosmic principles of love tailored for people who are guided by their religious instinct and unintellectualised feeling, which in turn means, the ability to believe blindly in an object without intellectual argumentation. In the following we will establish the fact, among others, that such an unintellectualised terminology cannot possibly be the final or perfect expression for really perfect Christianity or the absolutely total, cosmic truth about the eternal Godhead, the eternal universe and the living being. We learn in ecclesiastical Christianity that the Godhead is omniscient, omnipotent and all-loving. At the same time we learn that every little child who is born to this world will be damned or go to hell if it is not baptised. As the Godhead is omniscient he already knows which of the small children that today are embryos in the womb will be damned and go to hell. Why does he not save these small children from this terror, this eternal torment? If he does not know which of these small children will go to hell, he is not omniscient. If he cannot save these small children from this terrible fate he is not omnipotent. And if he will not save them he is not all-loving.
      At the same time we learn that only a small minority of the people are saved, and that the great majority go straight to damnation, to hell. Christianity teaches that God creates the human beings. Every human being is thus a result of God's creation. Is then the great flock of people who end in damnation or hell to be regarded as the unsuccessful results of God's creation? If this is the case the Godhead is far from being a perfect creator, far from being omnipotent. But if he intentionally or deliberately creates these people for this cruel fate, it must be a pleasure for him to see these people suffer and groan in this eternal torment. When people have such a tendency to feel well-being at the sight of the sufferings of others we call them sexually abnormal, we describe them as perverse, as sadists. What difference is there between these people and this Godhead of Christianity? Does Christianity worship such a Godhead? No, it is naturally a matter of course that the followers of Christianity do not consciously worship such a Godhead. They have simply no idea of the logical consequence of the illogical structure of their religious teaching. They have believed blindly in their religious authorities. If there was something in the teaching that was strange and which they did not understand they consoled themselves temporarily with the following statement: "The ways of the Lord are beyond understanding".
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 19
Through the Darkness of Initiation (Hell or Armageddon)