The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
24.3  Those people in our day who are furthest evolved as regards humaneness and neighbourly love will abolish war and establish a real world kingdom of peace
Those people who in our day have come furthest in evolution will, in the new epoch of world redemption, of course attain the great birth first and become finished human beings in God's image. They will therefore, in coming lives, abolish all war and establish real lasting world peace on Earth. They will turn all the states of the world into one kingdom, into one people with one single religion. And this religion will be the solution of the mystery of life in the form of spiritual science or cosmic analyses, made accessible to research for those with a well-developed intelligence and very advanced humane feelings or neighbourly love and intuition. Present terrestrial mankind includes not merely those people currently incarnated in physical matter. All the terrestrial human beings who are discarnated or situated on the spiritual plane at the moment belong, of course, to terrestrial mankind too.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 24
The Unfinished Human Kingdom