The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
20.3  The cosmic "principle of the forgiveness of sins"
This sixth of the universe's living beings that constitutes darkness or God's secondary consciousness is, as we already know, beings that live in the experience and the realisation of the contrast to light, that is darkness. When this realisation is totally perfect both in spirit and conduct, the being will have become the human being in God's image after his likeness. It is these totally perfect human beings, who have gone through darkness and after that gained cosmic consciousness, and who have been initiated into the mystery of life and become one with God, that constitute two thirds of the living beings of the spiral cycle. The sphere of life of these beings makes up the spiritual worlds. The principle of darkness constitutes only a sixth of the entire area of the spiral cycle because of a fundamental cosmic principle that shortens the zone of darkness. This principle constitutes an absolute and real principle of the forgiveness of sins.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 20
The Forgiveness of Sins