The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
19.3  People's mental growth and unanalysed dogmas
Gradually people have become thinkers. And the religious view of life or world picture mentioned above has given rise among these people to an ocean of questions that the religious authorities have been unable to answer. They have therefore become materialists; they no longer believe in religion. They have become atheistic, and with this atheism their morality and high ideals have begun to sink. So at the moment people live in a cultural decline, at the same time as they also live in a colossal growth of materialistic science. But this science absolutely cannot replace religion, whose ecclesiastical or dogmatic form they have outgrown; they are therefore quite unreceptive to religion. If the Christian world picture mentioned above cannot be a moral support or foundation of life for the intellectual seeker after truth and other intellectual people, it is because Christianity is tailored only to people who, by virtue of their religious instinct, quite automatically believe in the dogmas without any wish or need for intellectual explanation and confirmation of them. Christianity, in its present prevalent form, is, as previously mentioned, absolutely not intended for people who demand an intellectual or logical explanation of the dogmas. To the same extent that people's intellectual abilities grow, so do they lose their ability to believe, and with that their ability to be guided automatically by religious dogmas or orders without substantiating intellectual analyses.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 19
Through the Darkness of Initiation (Hell or Armageddon)