The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
17.3  The fate of the beings is to a significant degree the result of their previously experienced terrestrial lives
Between the above-mentioned extremes there are gradually ascending steps of intermediate stages. If these evolutionary stages were not a result of evolution there would be no logical reason for their existence. And if it were not the same beings going through the whole of this gradual evolution from the most primitive to the more and more perfect, what would be the use of evolution? If the living beings have only the one physical terrestrial life here on the earth, never having lived before, why then are they born on a specific evolutionary step? Some people are born to a very primitive and brutal life of degradation and oppression, others are born to a more or less bright, happy and humane life. Why is everyone not born under exactly the same conditions and circumstances if they are to live merely one physical, terrestrial life? How can it be just that a being that has never lived before can be born to a gruesome fate of pain and suffering, while others, which have never lived before either, are born to a radiantly bright and happy fate? It would be a downright illogical, and therefore equally unjust, situation, the like of which one cannot find anywhere else in Nature's processes of creation. Being ultimately one hundred per cent logical, these processes are unfailingly a joy and blessing for living beings. How can some beings represent a higher evolutionary step and others a lower one when they have never previously existed? Why then are the beings born to such differing fates? To believe that they have inherited their talents and fate from their parents is absolutely not the whole answer. There are children who have more talents or are more gifted than their parents; indeed, they can sometimes be geniuses despite the fact that their parents are certainly not. Where do they get these gifts from? They can be only their own gifts developed in a previous life that, encapsulated in talent kernels in the superconsciousness and together with this superconsciousness and the being's I, have survived physical death, that is to say liberation from its previous physical body. By means of these talent kernels the above-mentioned talents can now again, under particular conditions, manifest themselves in a new physical organism.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 17
Reincarnation, Cycles and Seasons