The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
26.2  Why it is not so remarkable that terrestrial mankind is enveloped in the sphere of war and suffering
Many terrestrial human beings of today have not even reached the "A stage" of the talent of love, which means its theoretical elementary stage, and even fewer have reached its "B stage", which means the incipient practising of the talent, and almost no one is at its "C stage", which means that stage in which the practising of the talent has become a habit and thereby more or less an automatic function or ability. If there are beings in this final stage, they have incarnated from a higher world and are thus guests on the earth. An example of such an elevated perfect guest was Christ. His kingdom was, as we know, not of this world. (John 18.36). With so little development of love on the earth so far, it is not very remarkable that its continents and seas are enveloped in the atmosphere of war, unhappiness, and suffering that again and again triggers off Hell or Armageddon and sweeps the earth with the horrors of death.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 26
The Perfect Human Kingdom of the Future