The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
25.2  Human tendencies
That the laws and rules of conduct of the nations or states mentioned above are a mixture of humanitarianism and heathendom, which means human and animal tendencies respectively, is a matter of course. The human tendencies can be seen in a nation's humane laws, help for the sick and the old, free schooling, hospitals and infirmaries, as well as many other cultural institutions that are a joy and a blessing for people, such as transport, railways, air routes, sea routes, lighting departments, gasworks and power stations, trunk roads, streets and pavements etc. To this can be added public authorities and the judicial system for the protection of the beings against the animal nature of other citizens. It is also the human tendencies that create conscientious objectors, create peace movements, make people become vegetarians, make people become kind to animals, so they create laws for their protection. But all these human tendencies and phenomena are as yet still embryonic. They are still to be regarded as very feeble in relation to the cultural height that will become the foundation for the finished human kingdom, whose citizens are finished human beings in God's image after his likeness.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 25
The Karma of Mankind