The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
21.2  "Praying to God"
There is thus an organ in the being that begins working automatically when its life is in danger. It is this organ or ability that gradually evolves to become what we call the ability of the human being "to pray to God". Prayer or praying to God is thus not rooted in any human invention, but in an innate cosmic, organic ability through which the being is eternally and organically connected to the Godhead. Whether or not the being is conscious or unconscious of this unshakable, cosmic connection with the Godhead does not alter the principle at all. The animal that utters its cry of terror or cry of death is not conscious of any godhead. It does not know to whom it cries, but nonetheless it cries out automatically about its distressed situation to an unknown object. As this entire function is based on a cosmic, organic and eternal ability and not on a temporary ability arisen from experience and reason, it, like the primordial desire, the fate element, the principle of talent kernels and the eternal part of the creative ability, belongs to the eternal phenomena of the being's superconsciousness.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 21
The Eternal, Cosmic and Organic Connection between God and the Son of God – 1