The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
19.2  The Christian view of life was not given as material for intellectual research
That such a view of life was not intended to provide scientific or intellectual explanations that could justify such a view of life or such a world picture is naturally a matter of course. It was not given to a mankind consisting of advanced thinkers. It was on the contrary given to a mankind consisting of unintellectual, but religious beings who were guided by their instinct and who were absolutely not prepared to receive a real understanding of these high spiritual or psychic phenomena. They were satisfied with the explanation that "the ways of the Lord are beyond understanding". They were therefore satisfied with the teaching of the religious authorities. It was, so to speak, law for them. But this teaching provided no analysis. It was on the contrary merely a series of orders. It is these orders we know as dogmas.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 19
Through the Darkness of Initiation (Hell or Armageddon)