The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
18.2  The effects of the changing capacities of the basic energies in the being's consciousness
We know from symbol no. 13 (The Eternal World Plan) that the combination of the basic energies in the being's consciousness or psyche is subject to specific change from one kingdom or spiral section to another. We know that this change causes a corresponding change in the living being's mode of existence from dark manifestations to light manifestations. It is by means of this change from darkness to light that the six different kingdoms or planes of existence, and the four principles of the seasons appearing within these, are maintained. It is this changing mode of existence that brings colour to every spiral cycle. It is also this changing capacity of the basic energies in the being's consciousness that promotes its rebirth or reincarnation. Without this changing capacity of the basic energies all experience of life would be impossible. Thus the beings' unfoldment of energy and the ensuing triggering of movements return, in the form of effects, to their originator. And we can describe the passage of these movements from their originator out into manifestation and life and back to their originator as circular arcs, as shown on symbol no. 16. Since they trigger the being's fate we have termed them "arcs of fate".
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 18
The Arcs of Fate of the Living Being