The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
17.2  The human being in whom "God's image" is about to be created
From the above we can see that the people of the earth represent a ladder of evolution going all the way from the primitive people of the primeval forest up to the modern ordinary civilised people of today. And above them we can observe a certain small percentage of people who are at a higher level in evolution. In these people we can observe the beginnings of the creation of "God's image after his likeness", even if they are, as yet, some distance from "God's image", the great goal, which is the same as God's way of being. God's way of being is love. Therefore, those beings who are the most highly evolved or have advanced furthest towards this goal are those who are the most loving. And those people who are furthest behind in evolution are those who are still not very loving, those who, on the contrary, are brutal, who promote war and discord, who murder, kill and mutilate.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 17
Reincarnation, Cycles and Seasons