The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
19.19  Across the dark area at the bottom of the symbol we see a row of orange-coloured areas separated from one another by yellow areas. These areas symbolise a series of the being's reincarnations or rebirths. The orange-coloured areas constitute the physical terrestrial lives while the yellow areas indicate the being's spiritual lives between the physical ones. These lives are framed on the symbol by two parallel, violet-coloured areas. These indicate or symbolise the mother energy, which, together with the being's talent kernels and primordial desire, take part in releasing the arcs of fate, in transporting these from life to life and in bringing about their retributory effects or so-called "karma". This karma is in turn the same as what we call "fate". Above each of the physical terrestrial lives indicated on the symbol we see two arcs of fate indicated. These are in the same situation as the two arcs of fate that we have just explained in the above. Just as no forgiveness whatsoever occurs in the relationship between these two arcs of fate, this relationship on the contrary being one of war against war, so too is the relationship between the two arcs of fate indicated on the symbol above every terrestrial life. The being has of course many more arcs of fate that stretch from life to life, indeed, as we will see later, that stretch over many lives, but here we want merely to show that as long as the being responds to its returning dark arc of fate with war, hatred and feelings of revenge towards its neighbour (or the being that is the medium or instrument for the release of the arc of fate), it will go on living in darkness, since its fate can be formed only by the effects of its conduct towards those in its surroundings, that is its neighbour. As these effects, by virtue of the arcs of fate, can transport themselves from the being's present life to its coming lives, the fate of the being in these lives will still be darkness and suffering if it does not change its conduct prior to this in the direction of forgiveness of its enemies and feelings of affinity with and affection for all living things.
      On the row of terrestrial lives that are indicated on the symbol no change whatsoever away from the darkness and the zone of war and the killing principle is seen. This is indicated by the fact that they are all equally orange-coloured, orange being the colour of the killing principle or darkness. If we look at the dark arcs of fate we will see that these are indicated by the colour of the killing principle or darkness, which signifies that these too are in favour of the killing principle or darkness. They are thus not connected with any forgiveness or reconciliation whatsoever. They have all, like the two large-scale arcs of fate around the heart figure on the symbol, come about because of their originator's lack of ability to forgive. They signify the conduct that connects the beings' epoch of life solely to the culmination of darkness, hell or Armageddon.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 19
Through the Darkness of Initiation (Hell or Armageddon)