The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
21.18  Before we go on we must point out that so far no being here on the earth has been able to evolve as far as the finished stage, where it has become the human being in God's image after his likeness. When such a finished human being, such as described above, showed itself in flesh and blood, showed itself in a physical organism, it was in reality only as a guest on the earth. The conditions for reaching such a high evolutionary standard have not previously been present here on the earth. And the beings then, when they had become mature enough for an evolutionary epoch that was as yet unattainable on the earth, had to incarnate or be born in a world or on a planet that was so much further forward in evolution that it had the conditions for the beings there to evolve right up to the finished stage and become human beings in God's image after his likeness. Many of the advanced men and women of the past have long since incarnated on such a higher planet or world, which is even now a finished or perfect human world, such as that which the earth one day will become. Not until the new epoch of world redemption that began in the twentieth century could people complete their evolution towards becoming God's image after his likeness here on earth. Gradually, as terrestrial humans in the coming millennia become finished human beings, they will together form the totally perfect human kingdom, which is in turn the same as the kingdom of heaven on earth. It is the kingdom that Christ promised would come, and in which there would be only one flock and one shepherd. This is in turn the same as the entire mankind of the earth becoming one people that worships absolutely only the one true God. And how could a kingdom of finished human beings be anything other than a kingdom of light? Such a kingdom would be governed by the purest neighbourly love. When people on earth can now evolve to this high stage through the next millennia it is due among other things to the fact that people in the new epoch of world redemption will be able to cultivate a real cosmic science in the same way as they now cultivate materialistic science. Through this psychically advanced science people will be able to explain the structure of the universe, the Godhead as the eternal originator of the universe, the structure and existence of living beings and thereby the law for the divine way of being and the beings' ensuing liberation from darkness and suffering, their liberation from Armageddon. This explanation is thereby a fundamental confirmation of the divine flood of rays from God's holy spirit that, from the world redeemer Jesus Christ, vibrated like a new cosmic sunrise over the world. In that light all the generations of the earth will be blessed; everyone will become a human being in God's image after his likeness. It is this divine light made accessible for the eye, the intellect and the heart that is the world redemption of the twentieth century.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 21
The Eternal, Cosmic and Organic Connection between God and the Son of God – 1