The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
25.14  The yellow aura in the upper third symbolises the incipient neighbourly love that has been created by humane religions, at the "A stage" and at the beginnings of the "B stage". The development of the talent for neighbourly love must, like the development of all other talents, pass through three stages. The first stage in the development of a talent is the theoretical one, that is the stage where one receives teaching about the structure and details of the talent.
      We have called this stage the "A stage". The next stage in the development of a talent is that in which one intentionally practises the talent. When we here describe the practising of the talent as intentional we mean that the practising is very unsure and full of mistakes, and that strong conscious concentration on the practising is demanded in order for it to be carried out. We have called this stage the "B stage".
      After these two stages comes the third and final stage for the development of a talent. After assiduous practice the talent becomes a habit, which means that the talent has now become automatic and can to a high degree be manifested without the conscious participation of the being's will. We call this stage the "C stage". This stage makes the being a virtuoso or genius at manifesting the talent concerned. As for terrestrial mankind's talent for love – it can be said to be only to some extent at the "A stage" and to an even lesser extent at the "B stage". The "C stage" still lies very far beyond the reach of mankind. But all those who are almost finished with the karma of suffering and are born anew as very outstandingly humane people, who are absolutely peaceful and have thus advanced rather far in the "B stage" of the talent for love, and are here on their way to the development of the "C stage" of this talent, constitute that group of people who are more or less receptive to the cosmic analyses of life. To the extent that this group gets through its karma of suffering or Armageddon and becomes humane it will become God's instrument for guiding the rest of mankind towards the "C stage". And with the completion of this stage terrestrial mankind will have become God's image after his likeness.
      The division of the symbol into three symbolises merely the three previously explained karmic situations and not that one third of the people will be killed, one third will be disabled and one third will become civilised human beings.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 25
The Karma of Mankind