The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
25.13  The somewhat lighter third of the three-part figure to the left of the symbol symbolises the effects of the arcs of fate during Doomsday or Armageddon that instantaneously or very quickly lead to death. When this death takes place in the middle of a culmination of war, death and destruction, where almost no one can avoid becoming an invalid or being mutilated, it liberates the being from these horrors. But this liberation is of course, just like all other experiences, decided by one's fate, which means that it is a result of the beings' previous mode of existence. The only unpleasantness connected to this liberation is that which can be caused by the being's sudden adaptation to the spiritual world. This unpleasantness is of course dark karma, but this karma is nothing in relation to the lifelong infirmity the being would otherwise have experienced. That is why we have given this third a somewhat lighter pattern of colours than the karma of suffering symbolised in the third on the right.
      Around the two sections symbolising Doomsday or Armageddon in the symbol we see the colour of the energy of gravity clinging like a dense aura. This symbolises that this basic energy in these two karmic areas is disproportionately large and therefore forms the foundation for the manifestations and releases of Doomsday or Armageddon.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 25
The Karma of Mankind