The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
22.13  Those beings that have left the darkness and have thus come through the most important aspects of the spiral cycle's darkness of initiation, those beings that Christ likened to the sheep, are therefore those that have advanced furthest in evolution. They are ahead of the goats: those that are materialistic, inhumane and atheistic. They are likewise ahead of the religious believers, who live by unintellectual instinctive religiosity. But they have not yet become the finished human beings in God's image; they find themselves thus at the highest stage that people up to now have been able to reach on Earth. People who reached this stage in their evolution before now had to continue their further evolution or completion on a planet or world that was more highly developed than the earth, a planet where the foundation of their morality, government and way of being had long since been based on the Comforter, the holy spirit. Here the aspirants from the earth could be taught and developed by the holy spirit of God or the highest divine science, which was an awake, day-conscious matter of course here among the general population. Here the aspirants from the earth could get answers to their cosmic questions, here they could be guided and developed towards receptivity to the great birth, and after this they became the finished human being in God's image.
      But as God, through world redemption, has now revealed on Earth the Comforter, the holy spirit, that is the highest knowledge, guidance and preparation of the aspirant for the experience of the great, divine, ultimate goal, the human being in the coming thousands of years, by virtue of this divine impulse of light, can here on Earth personally experience being the finished human being in God's image after his likeness. The "prodigal son" will thereby have returned to his Father.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 22
The Eternal, Cosmic and Organic Connection between God and the Son of God – 2
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 22A
The Materialistic or Unfinished World Picture