The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
19.13  The plant kingdom and animal kingdom, with the unfinished human being, are the school of life
Through the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom, the unfinished human being belonging to the latter, God's creation of the human being in his image takes place. But this creation, as we have already understood, can take place only by virtue of the beings' personal experience of darkness and light. As the ultimate result of this creation is the very highest form of experience of pleasure and light, such a result cannot possibly be reached without the beings' experience of knowledge of darkness. And it is this knowledge that the beings, through their own personal experience, acquire in their evolutionary passage through the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom. The plant and animal kingdoms are thus the zone of origin of the ability to experience life in every new spiral cycle. It is in this zone that the beings are shaped, brought up and educated by God thereby becoming formed in his image after his likeness. After that the being is qualified to be able to live one hundred per cent in contact with God, light, love and bliss in the next four divine kingdoms or worlds in the spiral cycle where everything is light, light and more light.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 19
Through the Darkness of Initiation (Hell or Armageddon)