The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
24.12  As far as the upper third on the symbol is concerned, we see that the governments' arrows are pointing more or less away from the killing ideals. They are pointing upwards towards real idealism and humaneness. This is symbolised by the outermost yellow section at the top, the white, yellow and orange-coloured section and the white star. Together these figures symbolise world redemption. The star symbolises the principle of world redemption itself. The orange-coloured sections symbolise the primitive and killing religions, while the yellow sections symbolise the humane world religions. The white section signifies the beginnings of spiritual science, which will replace all world religions and beliefs by a true cosmic science realised as cosmic analyses, logically built up and re-examinable by outstanding intelligence and highly developed intellectualised feeling and intuition.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 24
The Unfinished Human Kingdom