The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
19.12  Why the beings are ignorant and primitive in the first stages of the spiral cycle
Why are the living beings subjected to the deadly ignorance mentioned above? The answer to this becomes apparent to us in the structure of the spiral cycle. It shows us that all beings at the beginning of every new spiral cycle have no physical day-consciousness beyond the ability to sense vaguely. At the end of its previous spiral cycle its outer consciousness of that time degenerated so that it had finally only its memories to live on. But since the faculty of recall or memory culminates or reaches its highest capacity in this epoch of the eternal life of the living being, and as the memories are here felt as the highest experience of spiritual well-being, this epoch constitutes, as previously mentioned, the living being's kingdom of bliss. Living in this way in one's memories is the same as living in one's own inner world. In this state it has thus no ability whatsoever to experience or sense in the outer world. In order to experience or sense in the outer world again it must acquire once more new outer bodies of manifestation and, through them, develop new sensory abilities, consciousness and experiences. With the plant body the being gets its first feeble faculty of consciousness, namely instinct. All the functions of the plant take place entirely automatically through the faculty of instinct. By means of this plant body and this faculty of instinct the plant being can vaguely sense cold and heat, pleasantness and unpleasantness from the physical world. Apart from this faculty it has no physical consciousness. But gradually the plant being evolves towards becoming carnivorous, finally getting an animal body and thereby becoming an animal. From this stage it evolves further and becomes the terrestrial human being in which the animal mentality culminates. After this the being evolves further to become the totally perfect human being, that is the human being in which the animal mentality no longer exists, the human being that constitutes the final result of God's great creation of "the human being in his image after his likeness". Thus through the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom God creates the finished human being in "his image after his likeness". The beings experience the next four kingdoms in the spiral cycle exclusively as the domicile of the culmination of light and existence at one with God. When people are ignorant and primitive in their way of being it is thus due to the fact that, from a cosmic point of view, they are as yet unfinished creations, they have as yet no set of cosmic senses. They cannot see the absolute, true reality. And where the human beings are not completed and cannot see the absolute reality, they are of necessity ignorant and primitive.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 19
Through the Darkness of Initiation (Hell or Armageddon)