The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
25.11  The star at the top symbolises the principle of world redemption. The outermost orange-coloured rays descending from the star symbolise the primitive killing religions, while the yellow rays descending from the star symbolise the humane world religions. The white ray descending from the star in the middle signifies the solution of the mystery of life as science. This science, in connection with materialistic science, will form the truly unshakable foundation for mankind's final stage of evolution in its completion in God's image after his likeness.
      The yellow areas in the upper third of the symbol symbolise the effects of Christianity and the other humane religions on terrestrial mankind. The lowest blue-coloured area in this third symbolises the highest part of mankind's creation of humane culture, humane religiosity and worship of God. This also includes art and literature, technology and science and the many advantages originating from this for mankind, based on purely human talents and tendencies. This humane culture and human talents and tendencies will gradually grow and remove mankind's animal side and its effects, which are symbolised in the two lower thirds.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 25
The Karma of Mankind