The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
24.11  We see that the inner circular section is divided into sections of various sizes. These sections symbolise the states of the earth, but not of course their number. The round white figure in each state symbolises its government. In each government there is an arrow pointing in a specific direction. In the bottom two thirds the arrows point towards the two star-figures on the right and left of the symbol. These two stars appear in the colour of the energy of gravity. This means that they symbolise the killing principle, atheism and materialism and the ensuing multitude of not only war situations, but also all the other dark karma- or fate-situations, illness, infirmity and nerve-shattering sorrows and worries. The arrows pointing towards these two star-figures, which thus symbolise the ideals of darkness in the world, symbolise the fact that people believe in materialistic or atheistic ideals, in the eye-for-an-eye and tooth-for-a-tooth law of Moses, in fighting war with war. These people simply do not understand that one should put one's sword in its sheath, for he that takes the sword will perish with the sword. They believe that others are to blame for any unhappy fate they meet. They see the ideals of revenge and hate as the absolutely right way of being. Of course their laws and national government will be influenced to a greater or lesser extent by this. And this will then to a corresponding degree lead people into unhappiness and suffering, which here means into the experience of the hate and the revenge that they themselves have manifested towards others.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 24
The Unfinished Human Kingdom