The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
23.11  Under the symbol of the Godhead and the perfect human being or Christ being we see a rough drawing of part of the earth. We see that it is surrounded by a thick area of cloud. This symbolises the earth's dark and killing climate of thought and manifestations of war. Just like the sun spreads the physical areas of cloud and creates light where these previously created shadow, so God's spirit through world redemption dissolves the earth's dark, mental areas of cloud, killing climates of thought and energies of war. And beyond these terrains of death and areas of suffering the flood of rays of God's spirit will embrace terrestrial mankind in a kingdom of love where everyone will love everyone else and where everyone will love God and will be one with the eternal Father.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 23
The Finished Human Being in God's Image after His Likeness