The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
21.11  We have already indicated that the living being's connection with God is based on an automatic inbuilt cosmic ability and not on a phenomenon generated by imagination or reason. Top left in the symbol we see four individual figures each with its own distinct structure. These symbolise four clear stages that this connection between the Godhead and the living being manifests in a spiral cycle. The round figures with the triangles symbolise the living being in each of the four sections. The triangle constitutes thus the I of the being in question. The area with the yellow colour symbolises its primitive feeling. The green colour symbolises its very small area of intelligence. The ascending ray from the being in the various stages symbolises its cosmic connection with the Godhead. The various symbols in the rays indicate the particular quality and stage of development of this connection. The ray furthest to the left symbolises the incipient primitive human being's very first inkling of the existence of higher beings, spirits or gods. This inkling is borne by its instinct. At this stage it has no idea whatsoever that there exists only one true, real Godhead. This is symbolised by the question mark in this ray in the symbol. It still lives subject to the animal's conditions of existence, that is, it must kill in order to live. Because of its still very primitive structure of consciousness, it can imagine these higher spiritual beings or godheads only in the same killing situation as that in which it lives itself, but of course in a more highly idealised state. Primitive beings have still no experience of either real or absolute love or the fact that one should not kill, and can therefore, as mentioned previously, imagine higher beings or godheads only in their own form and life situation. This presentation of the highest Something in a form that matches the primitive mental state of these beings takes place through the principle of world redemption and the world redeemers engendered by this principle. (See symbol no. 2.) These will always be beings that are so outstandingly far advanced that they can clothe the Godhead in precisely the picture and the idealism that lies within the limits of the understanding of these beings, who are thereby stimulated to act according to the morality and way of being appropriate to their evolutionary step. Expressing the real total truth about the absolute one true God and the law of life (total neighbourly love), which only beings on the highest human steps in evolution can understand and accept, would, if given as an ideal for these primitive beings, be giving them stone instead of bread. The absolute truth in its full and clear radiant glory would be just as impossible for their spiritual digestion as stone is for their physical digestion. But the world redeemers understand how to adapt the eternal truth to those beings on each evolutionary step so that they can all get their hunger for God satisfied according to their temporary needs.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 21
The Eternal, Cosmic and Organic Connection between God and the Son of God – 1