The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
19.11  Life's greatest mental imperfection, mistake or derailment
In spite of the fact that the beings are thus the masters of their own fate, they create nonetheless Armageddon or hell for themselves, but this occurs entirely through ignorance. Where the being has a one hundred per cent knowledge about the real consequences of its own actions for its own fate it will act correctly. But where it has no knowledge it must of course act blindly according to the misconceptions arising from this lack of knowledge. So it triggers off actions whose ultimate effects are unhappiness and suffering instead of, as it had believed, joy and blessing for itself. As long as its intellectual senses (intelligence, humane feeling and intuition) are not sufficiently developed, it cannot survey the cosmic course of its own actions and cannot thus see that its fate consists entirely of the effects of its own actions. And as it does not know either that it has lived in previous physical lives, it cannot know anything about having manifested actions in those lives, the effects of which constitute its present fate. The primitive, spiritually or cosmically unintellectual human being is thus totally ignorant about the formation of its own fate. It believes that those people who are evil towards it constitute the real source of the suffering they inflict on the being. It therefore perceives these people as its "enemies" and seeks revenge on them. As we will see in the explanation of the symbol it is here that we find life's greatest mental imperfection, mistake or derailment. It is the cause of every war from the smallest quarrel to the great, devastating world wars.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 19
Through the Darkness of Initiation (Hell or Armageddon)