The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
23.10  In the white halo of rays a five-pointed star is marked. This star symbolises the principle of world redemption. This principle is revealed through the world redeemers. In the last stage of the manifestation of world redemption, which means, the stage in which the being's evolution is completed and where it becomes the totally perfect human being in God's image, this manifestation is promoted exclusively by world redeemers who have long since become finished human beings in God's image, that is they have become Christ beings. It is also beings of this high stage that promote the beings' experience of the great birth, which is in turn the same as their initiation into cosmic consciousness. It is this initiation or birth that, at a given point in time, the being experiences when its conduct has reached the level of perfection of the finished human being's conduct. At this stage the aspirant to the great birth meets the world redeemer or the Christ being. The aspirant thus witnesses this being, who reveals himself to him in his celestial glory. He sees the world redeemer in an all-pervading white flood of rays emanating from his cosmic body, which appears to be built up of millions upon millions of microscopic stars each emitting a little flood of rays of snow-white light, which, together with the multitude of other small stars, forms the snow-white, all-outshining light material of which the Christ being's organism is built up. With this all-outshining cosmic organism of light the Christ being now penetrates the spirit of the aspirant and hereby opens its talent kernels for the experience of cosmic consciousness. Attaining cosmic consciousness is the same as becoming awake and day-conscious on the spiritual or cosmic planes of existence. The aspirant thus, even here in its physical existence, gains the ability to day-consciously experience and perceive in the cosmic world beyond the physical. And after this the being mentioned, as already touched upon, is a finished human being in God's image after his likeness.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 23
The Finished Human Being in God's Image after His Likeness