The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
21.10  The black indented figure is in a way star-shaped because it indicates not merely the existence of the son of God in the body of the Godhead but also the fact that the distance between God and the son of God is eternally the same, regardless of whether the son of God knows this or not. Whether the son of God is a plant or animal being – and is thus from a cosmic point of view an embryonic being in the spiral cycle – or he is a human embryo in the womb or a newly born baby, the closeness of God to these cosmically unconscious beings is exactly the same as it is to the being or the son of God that has become the human being in God's image after his likeness. No being whatsoever or son of God is closer to or further from the Godhead than other beings. They are absolutely all, in all existing circumstances, equally close to the Godhead, and the Godhead is equally close to them. They all interact eternally and uninterruptedly with him, the one and only absolute true Godhead. He is their life, and they are his life. The beings are just as necessary for God's life as God's life is necessary for the life of the being. The points of the stars, which in the symbol symbolise the son of God's basic energy bodies, symbolise at the same time the constant, perpetual closeness of the Godhead to the son of God. If we allow these points to symbolise the crests of the fate of the being or the son of God, and let the spaces between symbolise the troughs of its fate, then we see in the symbol that when the son of God is at its crests of fate, it is no closer there to the Godhead than when the son of God is at its troughs of fate. The coloured areas around the son of God symbolise the Godhead. In reality there is no distance at all between God and the son of God. They are eternally connected, and each determine one another's experience and manifestation of life. Thus a closer connection between two living beings than that between the Godhead and the living being cannot exist. We will see that this connection between this divine father and son is not a dead or blind connection. It is a living connection of consciousnesses borne by the very highest form of love, omniscience and omnipotence.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 21
The Eternal, Cosmic and Organic Connection between God and the Son of God – 1