The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
19.10  The law of cause and effect as the foundation for the formation of fate
In symbol no. 19 we will look more closely at how it comes about that the formation of fate can come to manifest itself in all the unhappy states that together form the culmination of suffering we call Armageddon or hell. As we have already mentioned, Armageddon or hell is absolutely no "punishment" from God, but on the contrary a natural effect of the beings' relationship to the law of cause and effect. In relation to this law the being can do what it likes. It can with its way of being give rise to manifestations or actions that will inevitably become the cause of effects that will make its future fate wonderfully light and happy. Likewise it can in its present life create manifestations or actions that will form precisely its future fate in the direction of Armageddon or hell. The fate of the living being is thus absolutely entirely dependent on which causes its way of being triggers off. In accordance with these the effects are formed. And these in turn constitute the fate of the being.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 19
Through the Darkness of Initiation (Hell or Armageddon)