The Eternal World Picture, vol. 2
The Unfinished Human Kingdom
Symbol no. 24
24.1  The present "primitive" and "civilised" people of the earth
In the above analyses we became familiar with the fact that the people of the earth are undergoing evolution. This evolution stretches from mineral to plant, from plant to animal and from animal to the present unfinished human stage. From this stage the unfinished terrestrial human being will evolve through coming terrestrial lives to reach the finished stage in which it appears as the human being in God's image after his likeness. The least evolved human beings on the earth are the present so-called "primitive people". But these people are not the first or most lowly evolved human beings. The first incipient, still apelike human beings were far below primitive people of today. But the earth is too far advanced in its evolution to be able to be connected to such lowly evolved, primitive human beings as these. Since these can therefore no longer incarnate on Earth, the primitive people of this earth are, as previously mentioned, the most lowly evolved human beings here. These beings are now experiencing the beginnings of a rapid evolution towards the civilised human stage, and will, together with civilised human beings, evolve further beyond this stage. Together they will constitute the finished terrestrial mankind in God's image after his likeness.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 24
The Unfinished Human Kingdom