The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
6.9  The living being's "subconsciousness"
By virtue of the basic talent kernels, there exists in the fate element a cosmic and thereby an eternal organic structure for each of the six basic energies. Since these organic structures are eternal, they belong to the superconsciousness. By means of these eternal organic structures a changeable and thus temporal organic structure for each basic energy is maintained. It is these changeable organic structures that we express as "bodies". There thus exists a body for each basic energy. Life is experienced by means of these latter bodies. But as the experience of life is a great process of change or creation, the bodies of these basic energies must also change to a corresponding extent, be transformed or adjusted to every step in this creative process through which the concerned being has to pass. Thus the physical body must be replaced completely in favour of the attainment of a new and better physical body, every time this is necessary on account of old age, injury or any form of destruction of the mentioned body. It is such a physical body, separated from the superconsciousness that we call a "corpse".
      The mentioned bodies of the basic energies, plus the physical body, constitute the being's "subconsciousness", while the structures of the basic talent kernels in which they are rooted, as already mentioned, belong to the superconsciousness.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 6
The Living Being 1