The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
6.8  The living being's "fate element", "basic talent kernels" or "spiral centres"
In the superconsciousness there is also a centre for each of the six basic energies. We have expressed these centres as "basic talent kernels" or "spiral centres". They constitute the innermost seat for the living being's abilities and talents. By virtue of these talent kernels or centres the being's abilities and talents can survive the death or destruction of the physical organism and thereafter come to cooperate in the creation of a new physical organism. Through this organism the I can thereby come to experience a new physical existence, and so on continuously. It is this renewal of the physical bodies that we call "reincarnation". Through the superconsciousness an eternal stream is also released in the form of a desire. This desire constitutes the innermost source of all other existing desires in the living being. We have therefore called this desire the "primordial desire". Through the mother energy this desire is connected with the basic energies, which thereby, by virtue of a special structure, are kept in action. We have called the entire area in the superconsciousness in which the being's highest, eternal or imperishable vital structure has its seat the living being's "fate element".
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 6
The Living Being 1