The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
16.8  The principle of the "forgiveness of sins"
In the midst of the analyses of the solution to the mystery of life we here see how it is established as a fact for the developed investigator that "whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap". We must, however, here point out that there is one more law or eternal principle through which changes can be made not in the return of the movements to the originator, but in the susceptibility of the being to the returning movements or actions sent out by itself. This holds true with respect to the being's susceptibility for the returning effects of its evil actions, such as murder or killing or other forms of unpleasantness it has inflicted on its fellow being. This susceptibility for the returning effect of such emitted evil actions can, however, be removed altogether, so that the being can be totally free from the consequences of such effects. We here meet the principle of the "forgiveness of sins". By virtue of this principle no being whatsoever will come to experience the entire consequence of all of its evil actions. It can experience the consequences or the effects of its evil actions only as long as it continues to manifest them. When a being's humaneness has become so developed that it no longer has the heart to manifest one evil action or another, then it becomes immune to the consequences of former evil actions, no matter how many of these have been committed, and the effects of which still have not returned. When these effects do return, and the being in the meantime has become humane to such a degree that it can no longer commit such evil actions, then the being will be quite immune to these effects, since it will be protected from the effects of the evil actions, which it had committed previously, but which it has not the heart to do any more. We will return to a more specified account of this concept of "forgiveness of sins" later in special symbols explaining the being's formation of fate. Here we will point out merely that it is not the intention of life that beings should be tortured, suffer or feel pain. On the contrary, it is the intention of life that they should become acquainted with their own wrong actions. But when the being has gained this understanding, and no longer carries out actions that create pain and suffering, then it will no longer reap the consequences of them. Since the beings have committed innumerable wrong actions, the effects of which are returning to them, it is good for them to know that they will not reap the full consequences and the resulting sufferings or pains if they today really out of love cease manifesting these kinds of evil action. The being can thus be released from the effects of actions that are actually due to it, if, before they return, it has changed so that it can no longer do these evil or dark deeds.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 16
The Eternal Body