The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
7.7  We get a first glimpse of the eternal Godhead, sought for throughout the ages
This all-penetrating eternal principle of life makes the whole universe an inseparable unit, composed and maintained by the "I's" of all the existing living beings, their faculties to experience, their creative faculties and their organisms or bodies. Since all the I's of the living beings, as we shall see later, together constitute one "I", and all living beings' faculties to experience and create also together constitute one single great faculty to create and experience, just as all the living beings' organisms constitute cooperative organs or bodies in the same great unit, which constitutes the universe, it becomes obvious here that this universe constitutes one single great or all-embracing living being. This gigantic being whose organism or body is thus the whole universe, can be only the eternal Godhead, who human beings have sought through all the ages, and who they have worshipped in more or less perfect ways. The eternal truth, "in Him we live, and move, and have our being", is thus shown to be a reality.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 7
The Principle of Life Units