The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
6.7  The living being's "superconsciousness" with the masculine pole, the feminine pole and the six basic energies
That which is "alive" or "living" in the living being is unshakeably the I and its eternal or cosmic structure of life; that is, the structure that is not "created". The "dead" aspects of the living being are its physical body and the other structures that constitute only "created" realities. These structures, which are "created", differ from the non-created or eternal structures in that they can neither exist nor function by their own power. They get their power of movement or function solely from the eternal structures, which just exist by their own power. We have therefore called the part of the eternal structures that constitutes the I and its cosmic faculty to create, the living being's "superconsciousness", which in reality means "X1" and "X2". This "superconsciousness" constitutes the living being's absolute everlasting and thus eternal structure. In this superconsciousness we meet the very first manifestation of the principle of "energy". We have called this energy the "mother energy". The sphere where this energy unfolds itself is in "X2", where it forms the material and power for the foundation of the experience of life, which is the same as the release of two great functions of life that we have called "masculinity" and "femininity". They are each released through their own organs, which we have expressed as the "masculine pole" and the "feminine pole" respectively. Through these two pole organs, mutually combined in cooperation with the six basic energies, which we have called the "energy of instinct", the "energy of gravity", the "energy of feeling", the "energy of intelligence", the "energy of intuition" and the "energy of memory", the entire vital functioning of the being is created, its place on the ladder of evolution, its primitivity or intellectuality, its appearance as a male or female being or as a being in the double-poled state, that is the "human being in God's image after His likeness". We cannot explain these realities in more depth here, as they are not shown in the present symbol. But we will give an explanation of them later in special symbols. We have mentioned them here only because they belong to the superconsciousness.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 6
The Living Being 1